Tax privileges for the relocated businesses

Tax privileges for the relocated businesses

On December 28, 2023, the Government of the Republic of Armenia adopted Decision 2328-L with the aim of supporting the jobs created and being created by entrepreneurs operating in the IT sector.

In March 2022, the Government implemented a similar support program within the framework of Government Decision 399-L.

Commercial organizations (including foreign ones) and individual entrepreneurs are the beneficiaries of Government Decision 2328-L.

Entrepreneurs who meet all the conditions listed below will benefit from the decision:

✅Entrepreneurs with 90% or more sales turnover under activity classifiers 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 30.3, 58.2, 62.0, 63.1;
✅Entrepreneurs who have hired 10 or more employees (civil contracts) who were not working under civil contracts for the performance of works or the provision of services in the Republic of Armenia within the period from September 1, 2021, to February 28, 2022;

The point of comparison will be the number of employees registered as of March 1, 2022.
✅Entrepreneurs who do not have a tax liability exceeding 100K AMD as of the day before submitting the application, and the personal income tax liability shall be fully paid off.

Entrepreneurs who meet the above conditions will receive a cashback of 50% of the income tax paid for newly hired employees.

The support program will be applicable for January 2024 and the following 11 months.

08 January 2024, Monday | 626

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